An article teaching you how to use the GPTBiz online search feature

GPTBiz Connected Search is a feature of GPTBiz-4 available to Plus members, allowing GPTBiz to search the internet to help answer questions that benefit from the latest information.

If you ask a question in a chat with GPTBiz-4 that requires the search function (for example, what is the weather like in Shenzhen today?), the model will automatically enable the browsing feature to provide you with an answer. If no search is performed, simply add the word “search” (for example: search what is the weather like in Shenzhen today?).

How to Use

After installing GPTBiz-4, enter the prompt in the dialogue box and wait for a reply, clickable blue links indicate search sources.

文章來源:一篇文章學會如何使用GPTBiz 聯網搜索功能
