Updated on September 28th to optimize AI drawing functionality

Dear User, We are excited to announce our latest updates to you! In this update, we have fixed some known issues and made some important improvements. Here are the details of this update:

Update Announcement

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed the issue of the disappearance of the top sidebar on the mobile end: We have resolved the problem of the disappearance of the top sidebar on the mobile end, now you can use the sidebar function normally on mobile devices.
  2. Fixed the issue of Midjourney not returning pictures: Midjourney can now return pictures normally, there will be no more blank picture issues.
  3. Fixed the issue of internationalization of dialogue command assistant: We have fixed the internationalization issue of the dialogue command assistant, now you can use the dialogue command assistant in any supported language.
  4. Fixed the issue of not retaining the latest return message after retrying: We have resolved the issue of not retaining the latest return message after retrying, now you can see the latest return message after retrying.

Other Updates

  1. Optimized the description of AI QR Code and AI Art Word: We added a new input box on the left, used to enter screen parameter commands, to improve the quality of the photo.
  2. Dialogue command assistant guide: We added a randomly generated card by the command assistant in the AI model dialogue, making it more convenient to use.
  3. Added supplementary package for Smart AI-4: A new purchase option for only the Smart AI-4 supplement package has been added in the VIP purchase area.
  4. Added mj painting photo preview function: We have added a preview function for mj painting photos.
  5. Added the function of language switching on the login interface: The function of language switching has been added on the login interface, you can choose the language of use according to your needs.
  6. Changed the save button in the settings to text: We have changed the save button in the settings to text format, making it more intuitive and easy to understand.

Main Updates

  1. Added Midjourney creation record: You can now view your Midjourney creation record.
  2. Split dialogue AI and painting AI: We have split the dialogue AI and painting AI, now you can use them separately.
  3. Midjourney shows creation progress estimation: Midjourney can now display the estimated value of creation progress, you can understand the progress of creation based on this value.
  4. Added Midjourney original picture download function: We added a small menu function in the lower right corner of the replied picture, you can download the original picture through this function.

We thank you for your continued support and attention! We will continue to work hard to provide you with more high-quality, convenient and reliable services! If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. GPTBiz Team September 28, 2023 If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please feel free to tell me, I will be at your service.
